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PURPOSE: This study seeks to understand infants' visual experiences and motor abilities. REQUIREMENTS: Participants must (i) be parents or guardians of an infant age 24 months or younger, and (ii) possess a smart phone. STUDY DESCRIPTION: On the day of enrollment, you will complete a basic intake survey (<10 min). Then, on each day for the next 5 days, you will receive 3 texts per day with links to very brief surveys (<3 min each) asking about your infant's activity at that moment. CHILDCARE: If your child is often with someone else (another parent, a nanny, a daycare teacher, etc.), you can (i) forward the text message surveys as they arrive to whoever is with the child, or (ii) skip the surveys when you are not with your child
General Consent I have read and understand the conditions of my participation in this research. My participation in this study is voluntary, and I understand that if at any time I wish to leave the study, I may do so by contacting the respective study administrator. Furthermore, I am also aware that the data gathered in this study are confidential. Providing my phone number and Email address in the fields below signifies that I consent to participate.

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